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Leadership: Learning from the Best and Worst

Let’s share and learn from each other’s stories of leadership, both the exceptional and less than desirable. Attendees will engage in open discussions on their leadership wins and losses and how to grow with the ups and downs of our industry.

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Multitasking: Friend or Foe?

Does multitasking make you more productive and allow you to accomplish more tasks? Or does it ultimately slow you down? This Engagement Lab will explore whether multitasking helps or hurts you at work. We'll also discuss practical tips on how…

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Customize Your Marketing Strategies

Does the word “marketing” stress you out? You hear what you should be doing, but you don’t know where to start? Join us as we lead this engagement lab on ways to maximize your current efforts without reinventing the wheel.…

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Making Meaningful Connections

If the roller coaster ride our industry has been on over the last few years has taught us anything, it is that our successes and failures are never ours alone and we are always as good as our personal "Board…

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