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Photo of Brieann McDaniel

Brieann McDaniel

Title Insurance Consultants, LLC

Before starting Title Consulting Services in 2015, Brie McDaniel worked for several multi-state title companies.

Now, as an expert in efficiencies for your operation and utilizing technology to transform your business, she puts her twenty-plus years of knowledge of management and accounting to use for others in the title industry.

Brie started her career as a pre-processor and was soon promoted to office manager. She knows how important accuracy is in business and recognizes how being proactive with procedures and technology can ensure that a firm is running as efficiently as possible.

Maryland’s Lakeside Title was Brie’s last stop before she ventured out as an independent consultant. Brieann spent five years as Lakeside Title’s operations manager, overseeing seven offices that generated more than $5 million in annual gross revenue. Her latest client is a Fortune 500 company that generates over $5 billion in revenue a year.

Brie has a hand in every facet of underwriting, operations and marketing departments during. She also helped steer companies through re-organization, acquisitions, and separations. She’s a firm believer that technology used correctly transforms the closing process for your company and your customers and can show you how to replicate those success in your own title company.

Brie is the experienced, innovative force you need behind your title agency. She knows how to keep an operation running smoothly, and more importantly for you, wants to share her skills with everyone in the industry who is aiming to excel in an evolving marketplace.


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    October 12 · 1:00 pm ·
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