Leslie Wyatt
Dir. of Regulatory Compliance
Leslie Wyatt began her career in the real estate industry 20 years ago, and joined SoftPro in 2002. Since joining SoftPro, Leslie has held various positions in Training, Consulting, Research and Development, Compliance and Business Integrations. For the past 6 years, Leslie has been a part of the Research and Development team, focusing on regulatory and compliance issues. Working closely with local, state and federal governing agencies, Leslie has played a pivotal role in keeping SoftPro informed and compliant with all of the recent industry changes.
Leslie currently runs the Compliance department at SoftPro. While her primary day-to-day focus is on regulatory compliance at the federal, state and local levels, she is working with senior management on how to grow the compliance department. She works with other various departments within SoftPro to ensure compliance both internally and externally and works to integrate compliance, efficiency and top-notch customer service into each department.
Leslie is a member of the ALTA's Integrated Mortgage Disclosure Task Force, formerly the RESPA Implementation task Force. She also serves on the ALTA Government Affairs Committee, the Home Buyers Outreach Program, the ALTA Our Values Work Group, the Title Action Network Steering Committee, the ALTA Membership Committee, the ALTA Education Committee and the TLTA Federal Issues Committee. She has represented ALTA at a congressional briefing regarding the CFPB and the upcoming changes. She travels throughout the country speaking on current regulatory changes, workflow management, Attracting the next generation of Employees and the overall state of the closing and title industry.
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